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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

biZchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot...

Shalom my beautiful sisters!  I am going out on a limb today, and taking a small detour from my usual levity and breast-centered blogging.  A detour, mind you...not quite a departure....

As we transition toward Pesach, with all its attendant delights and labours, I would like to take a moment to remind us all of the important precept:

בזכות נשים צדיקות נגאלו ישראל ממצרים, ובזכות נשים צדקניות ייגאל העולם לעתיד לבוא!

It is in the merit of righteous women that bnei yisra'el were redeemed from mitzrayim,  and it is due to the merit of righteous women that the world will be redeemed in the future!

"The Song of Miriam" by Paulo Malteis
So I am inviting all of you righteous women, before the Pesach frenzy overtakes us all, to carve some time out for yourself, and come in for that bra fitting you have been meaning to get to for so long.  Need some more inspiration?!?  Look no further than our holy foremothers....
Photo Credit UMass
The gemara in Sotah 11b teaches that one of the oppressions of Mitzrayim was that men were forced to do women's work and women were forced to do men's experience that probably isn't entirely foreign to this generation!  (I'll leave my personal opinions on latter-day gender roles for a different post....)  Think our imahot were making bricks without proper breast support?!?  Think again my friend....  Feel like you are working the double shift yourself sometimes?  Schedule a bra fitting TODAY!  A properly fitted bra will improve your posture, balance, and self-confidence - helping you get through your days' tasks, no matter what they are! 

Rashi teaches (Shmot 38:8) that while the Israelite men in Mitzrayim despaired of haShem's geulah, the righteous bnot yisra'el had complete emuna in haShem's promise of future salvation!  Even in the depths of slavery, these holy women would seek out their husbands in the fields and entice them with food, drink, and levity so that the men would become encouraged (and randy) in order to perpetuate am yisra'el!

Think your own family could use some help on that front?  Nothing inspires women and men like some beautiful and well fitting new lingerie!  Make an appointment for a fitting today, and let the redemption begin, ladies!

Looking for more inducements?  Sotah 12a recounts Miriam haNevi'ah's admonition to her father, Amram, to return to his wife Yocheved, who then conceived and bore Moshe Rabeinu!  
"Moses in his Mother's Arms" by Simeon Solomon
Did I mention that I also carry excellent nursing bras?  Get the next generation tzadikim and tzidkaniyot off to a good start, and feel supported and uplifted while you perform this vital task!

So ladies, make a commitment to your health, your well-being, your lover, your babies, and most of all to YOURSELF!  Call me today at 054-246-1191 to schedule a bra fitting.  Act fast, and you too will march out of mitzrayim with your head and breasts held high!



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