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Tuesday, February 04, 2014

What Your Bra Can and Should Be Doing For You… But Probably Isn't…And How Tmicha Zoogit Will Save the Day!

The first U.S. patent issued for a brassiere in 1914 "covered" a garment made – I kid you not – of two silk handkerchiefs held together by some pink ribbon.
I know, can you believe it?!?

Women have come a long way in the last 100 years, and so has the brassiere!
Those of us old enough to remember the Playtex "Cross-Your Heart" bra commercials from the 50s and 60s (and 70s and 80s) know that a bra should "lift and separate".

Lift and separate is an excellent place to start…but since 85% of women are wearing a bra that does not fit them, here are some more points to consider:

85-90% of a bra's support comes from the band.  In order to properly support the breast, the band must fit firmly, lie in a horizontal line that runs just below the breasts, and remain parallel to the floor while you go through all the motions of your busy day!  

If you can pull your bra band more than a few inches away from your body, the band is too big! you lift your arms above your head, and your breast tissue spills out underneath your bra, your band is WAY too big!  Go down in the band size...from a 38 to a 32 for example. 

If the bra has an underwire (and most brassieres today do) the bridge (where the wires meet between the breasts) should sit all the way back and lay flat against your chest wall. 

In a properly fitted bra, the bridge will not gape, poke out, smush, or otherwise abuse your breast tissue!


Okay, next.  Starting along the chest wall, the underwire should run beneath and encompass the entire breast; in a properly fitted bra, the far end of the underwire will point toward the center of your armpit.  


At no point should the underwire poke compress or lie on your breast tissue;  in fact, the underwire should be resting on bone, not on your breast!

So if the underwire is bisecting your boob, you need to move to a deeper cup!

The top of the bra should form a smooth line with the top of your breast...


…it should not bisect your breasts creating the dreaded "quad-boob" effect...

...nor should it gap, wrinkle, or pucker. 

In the first (and far more common) case, the cup is too small…in the second (rare) case, the cup is too big.


Finally, positioning.  When your bra fits you well, the apex (fullest part of) the breast should lie at the midpoint between the top of your shoulder and the crease of your elbow – or higher.  If your breasts do not look perky and uplifted, your bra is not serving you as it should.

What will wearing a properly fitted bra do for you?  Here is a partial list:
  • It will make you look and feel younger, slimmer, and more "well put together".
  • It will improve your posture and can alleviate chronic back and shoulder pain.
  • Your clothes will fit and look better.
  • It will boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • You will move freely and with confidence knowing that everything will stay in place.
  • It is more modest – as there is less "stuff" bouncing around poorly contained.
So let me ask you this, ladies...
  • Does your band stay horizontal throughout the day? 
  • Do your underwires lay flat against your sternum at the centre and encompass all of your breast tissue?  
  • When you wear your bra, does the apex of your breast fall at the middle of your upper arm or higher?
  • Are your bras, beautiful, comfortable, and a pleasure to wear?

No?  Don't despair, my friend; Tmicha Zoogit is here to save the day!  

I sell high quality bras (regular and nursing) in a very wide variety of sizes (currently around 150 sizes and growing).  I am also a bra-fitting expert; if I don’t stock it, I will order it for you or direct you to a place where you can purchase the very best bra for you. 

Schedule your personal bra fitting today, and  discover what a properly fitted bra can do for your comfort, posture, self-confidence, and look – you deserve it!

And finally, a little visual joke…for your enjoyment!


Call Nili today at (054) 246-1191 to schedule your personal bra fitting - you'll be glad that you did!



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