As we transition toward Pesach, with all its attendant delights and labours, I would like to take a moment to remind us all of the important precept:
בזכות נשים צדיקות נגאלו ישראל ממצרים, ובזכות נשים צדקניות ייגאל העולם לעתיד לבוא!
It is in the merit of righteous women that bnei yisra'el were redeemed from mitzrayim, and it is due to the merit of righteous women that the world will be redeemed in the future!
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"The Song of Miriam" by Paulo Malteis |
So I am inviting all of you righteous women, before the Pesach frenzy overtakes us all, to carve some time out for yourself, and come in for that bra fitting you have been meaning to get to for so long. Need some more inspiration?!? Look no further than our holy foremothers....